My inspiration is rooted in my passion for traveling and exploring cultures, experiencing the diversity, richness and authenticity of each through my own eyes. Bringing a fading heritage embraced in a contemporary design to connect people from all over the world, is the way the richness of culture will no longer be a foreign freight, but a welcome guest.
Growing up in Downtown, Cairo I relished in our own unique heritage, exploring yesterday’s history as we live today. This is why I started my first design with Downtown, Cairo and discovered its real beauty. It’s truly a “hidden gem”.
The design is based on the actual map of Downtown, the contrast of colors; black and gold represents the diversity, and the fact that you can’t see the gold unless from the inside, reflects my own vision to Downtown.
I capture these Artifacts inspired by Urban settings through designing collections of lighting housing and offices enthused by all the old “cities” that I’ve been to,  where every design is diverse and unique with its own story to tell.
“DiverCity” that’s the name of the collection and concept.
It can also be handmade or industrially produced with more affordable prices.
I genuinely believe that everyone has the desire to enjoy and experience beauty in all its forms. It’s not only what the eye can see, but the emotional state that people can connect and get a sense of belonging as well.



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